Print a Picture Element in Drupal's Theme Layer Using theme_picture
Often, Drupal themers will hard-code images into a theme's template files (e.g. a site logo). In the era of responsive images, we now have the Picture module to handle the complexity that comes with responsive images. A themer can print a responsive site logo; it will just take a little more code.
Theming with Images before Responsive Images
Before responsive images, Drupal themers could print an image in a template file by 1) simply hardcoding an image element or 2) by using the theme_image function.
To use the theme_image function, the themer would simply need to pass the function an array describing the image to be rendered:
Theming with Responsive Images
It's not well documented at the moment, but the Picture module provides a theme_picture function, which works similarly to the theme_image function. The major difference is that the developer must load the breakpoints for a picture mapping before calling the theme_picture function.
In the example below, the machine name of the Picture mapping to be used is 'logo':
The breakpoints code can also be condensed:
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